5.Amla juice benefits in 2024

Amla is known as super food due to lots of medicinal value and amazing benefits for health.It scientific name is phyllanthus emblica belong to phyllanthaceae family. Here are some information regarding Amla juice benefits.

Amla juice benefits

Indian Gooseberry or amla fruit is a small tree round shape and it’s height is around 1-8 meters. Fruit are sour taste and leaves are greenish colour. It can be consume as raw form ,juice form and power form all are easily available in the market. It has been use as medicine not only Ayurvedic but also allopathic medicine.It is widely use for different health issue. Amla can balanced the pitta of the body and many more.It is mainly cultivate in the sub-tropical region in the dry climate.Here some major point about amla juice benefits.

Different names of Amla

  • Indian Gooseberry
  • Dhatri
  • Sriphala
  • Amruta phala
  • Amlaki

Major nutrients of Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry has nutrients

  • Calories
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fibre
  • vitamin- C
  • Vitamin-A
  • Iron etc

How to make Amla juices

Amla juice benefits
  • Bring some fresh amla from the tree or the market.
  • Cut 3- 4 amla into small pieces and remove the seeds.
  • Cut pieces are transfer into the jar.
  • Add one teaspoon ginger and 2 cup water.
  • mixed some black salt and grind the all ingredients and put out them into fresh jar.
  • Press them to get as much as juice possible.
  • Now, juices is ready to serve.

Also read: 5 Beat exercise for strength and fitness.

Amla juice benefits

Here are discuss some health benifit of consume Amla.


Due to the high content of vitamin -C, it helps to increase your immunity level in your body. Also, Amla has anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce vomiting, gas etc. Amla helps to growth of photo cures in the body. It enhances the immune cells in your body.

Radiant skin

Amla has anti-oxidant and plenty of vitamin – C, which help to remove the aging line on the face and helps to glowing the face skin . Amla oil can be use for your body skin.

Brain health

Amla can improve your nervous systems,concentration power and memory skill. Amla has anti-oxidant and other nutrients,which help to attack free radical and many other.Some essential minerals that support cognitive function and brain health.

Control diabetes

It is very useful for diabetic control and excellent in the management of blood sugar levels in your body and preventing pancreatic levels. It helps to increase insulin sensitivity in your body.

Eye health

Amla has numerous nutrients like vitamin- C , vitamin -A etc.which help protect your eye from bacteria and help to remove aging line around your eye and also protect from C cunjuctivies and other infection to eye.


1. How to eat amla?

Ans: Amla has in varieties form like raw ,amla candy murraba, chutney,power form and juice are available in the market. You prefer to juice for best result.

2.How much amla juice to drink daily?

Ans: You may take 3-5 amla and Making them to juices in above mention process and take empty stomach in the morning.

3.How to eat amla for hair growth?

Ans: For better result ,you apply the amla oil or amla powder mixed wit coconut oil then apply on your hair for long time.Natural medicine takes time to give the result.

4.what are the amla juice benefits?

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